“Pandemic or not, as an organization, we are committed to onboarding the GETs & PGETs … in fact, we believe, it is our duty to see how you move forward in your life,” said CEO & Managing Director, Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan in a rousing ‘virtual’ address to the 900+ GETs & PGETs on August 17th that was part of a 17-day Virtual Induction Programme organized by the Young Professional Talent Acquisition Team, CHR in collaboration with Divisional Corporate HR, through a blend of platforms. As prejoining engagement, ATL Courses were assigned to the trainees on 10th August followed by an interactive icebreaker session on the evening of August 16th. Designed in two tracks, the programme gave an overview of L&T and cross-functional technical training with the highlight being a ‘Know your Leader Series’ during which L&T’s Whole Time Directors addressed trainees through live sessions. The transition from campus to corporate was smoothly facilitated through sessions on Personal & Financial well-being and a virtual board game on Self-Leadership. A Panel Discussion on ‘New World of Work’ with six leaders sharing insights proved extremely interesting and engaging.
Thereafter, a 12-day cross-functional technical training programme facilitated by CTEA Madh gave the young trainees valuable insights into the engineering applications of L&T’s various businesses. ‘Tech Talk’ sessions facilitated by experts introduced them to evolving technologies, products, and best practices in play domestically and globally. They were assigned a group project on application of engineering concepts and practices to be completed over the 12-day period. A virtual tour of L&T’s Hazira manufacturing complex using Augmented Reality and Pulveriser Manufacturing was another highlight. The curtains were rung on the programme on September 5th with a closing ceremony during which individual performers and best group projects were awarded.