Delhi–Meerut RRTS Track Works, Package 17
Unwaveringly focused on Safety

Precast slab track & turnout installation at the Ghaziabad RRTS Station
One of our unique initiatives has been to identify and assess mental health & wellbeing (psychosocial) hazards or risks using our existing and a few additional control measures.
Dr Vishwa Kant Pandey
Chief SHE Manager

If Railways SBG’s Delhi–Meerut RRTS Track Works Project (Package 17) has an impeccable and muchawarded EHS performance record, it is not without reason. The team’s focus on maintaining the highest level of Safety has won them L&T Construction’s Annual Safety Award – 2023, a fitting recognition for the efforts of Project Director, Shyam Baboo Saraswat; Chief SHE Manager, Dr Vishwa Kant Pandey; and their entire project team, for EHS is never an individual’s onus: it is always a shared responsibility.

Ensuring regulatory compliances, continuously assessing & addressing risks, regularly conducting audits and inspections, maintaining emergency preparedness, and using KPIs to transparently track progress to achieve our EHS goals have been the primary reasons for our success.
Shyam Baboo Saraswat
Project Director
“Ensuring regulatory compliances, continuously assessing & addressing risks, regularly conducting audits and inspections, maintaining emergency preparedness, and using KPIs to transparently track progress to achieve our EHS goals have been the primary reasons for our success,” beams Shyam, for their efforts have won them a bagful of international and national awards.
“Receiving an audit score of 94% from the British Safety Council and winning their 5 Star Audit & the Sword of Honour were indeed great achievements, only surpassed by this annual Safety Award,” gushes Vishwa Kant, who proceeds to list some of the other EHS awards won by the project: the BSC International Safety Award & the National Safety Council’s Appreciation Award, both in 2023, and the LIFE Award during the mobilization stage in 2021. “We are an ISO-accredited project too,” he shares proudly, “with two project-specific certifications: ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018.” It is really no surprise, therefore, that the project has already clocked 7 million safe manhours since inception.
Awarded in January 2021, the scope for Shyam and team is to manufacture, supply, install, test, & commission Ballast-less/ Ballasted Tracks from Sarai Kale Khan (in Delhi) to Modi Puram (in UP) including the Jangpura Stabling Yard, and the depots of Duhai and Modipuram for the Delhi–Ghaziabad– Meerut RRTS Corridor of NCRTC.
Challenges are not new to projects, and the Delhi–Meerut RRTS project team has more than their fair share of them like heavy shifting & lifting, lowering activities that involve complete rails, precast track slabs, & other associated items on the viaduct or tunnels that run parallel to busy public roads at multiple locations, requiring expert & careful traffic management.
Maintaining the wellbeing of the team
“One of our unique initiatives has been to identify and assess mental health & wellbeing (psychosocial) hazards or risks using our existing and a few additional control measures,” shares Vishwa Kant about an initiative that is close to his heart and one that has proved extremely successful in driving Safety. “The project’s wellbeing strategy has been developed and is being implemented at site in consultation with a psychologist; we have prepared a Wellbeing and Mental Health Guide and are even providing training on early signs of ill health in the team,” he elaborates.

Concrete bed constructed over mass spring system as base for track laying to mitigate noise & vibration
Embracing mechanization to protect the workforce
Several thoughtful measures involving mechanization have been introduced to ensure the safety of the workforce like upgrading the braking mechanism of rail trollies to prevent them from suddenly rolling on gradients and using hoist cranes to lift rebar cages in the casting yard. “Our introduction of rumble strips and Impact Protection Vehicles (IPVs) for safe traffic movement has ensured the safety of road users in live traffic and minimized the risk of road accidents,” points out Vishwa Kant. This initiative has several other advantages, for, apart from maintaining smooth flow of traffic without hindering the construction activities, it has reduced vehicle collisions and minimized damage to property, the IPVs can be easily repositioned, and by providing Chevron lights, visibility has improved.

Applying curing compound on precast track slab after demoulding
QR codes for hassle-free audits & inspections
The team has generated a dynamic QR code containing the key details of all construction machineries, vehicles, and lifting appliances for easy access and verification. For Nikhil Goyal, Project Control & Planning, conducting audits and inspections has become markedly easier. “In linear projects, it is difficult to keep hard copies of all documents of all vehicles, but now everything is available at a click,” he smiles. “With these QR codes, we can verify all documents during the audits to avoid non-conformities, we avoid unnecessary printing of legal and contractual documents, our audit and inspections take much less time, and at the end of the day, we are saving time and money for the project.”

With these QR codes, we can verify all documents during the audits to avoid non-conformities, we avoid unnecessary printing of legal and contractual documents, our audit and inspections take much less time, and at the end of the day, we are saving time and money for the project.
Nikhil Goyal
Project Control & Planning
Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions are identified and complied with through the SHEILD app, and the team religiously follows STARRT (Safety Task Analysis & Risk Reduction Talk) cards/meetings for all high-risk activities.
It certainly seems that Shyam and his team are ticking all the correct EHS boxes, and here is wishing them continued success till project completion.
Making a habit of winning awards
Kumar Bipin
Manager (EHS), TI IC (RBG)
I first identify the actionable items by
appropriately analysing the status of the OHS
management system versus what is required after
which I break down the complex tasks into a micro
level to define target deadlines and assign them to
responsible persons.

Kumar Bipin flags off two wonderful moments from his career thus far. “The first was winning the first Sword of Honour for the Railway Business Group when I was heading it from HQ and the other has been that the two projects that I have worked for, Dhaka Metro and the DelhiMeerut RRTS projects, have both won L&T Construction’s Safety Awards 2023.” His sense of achievement is evident on his face.
After his first stint with L&T at the Rajpura Railway Siding Project from March 2012, Kumar has developed a wonderful habit of winning EHS Awards at all his subsequent projects. The OPGC – MGR project, Jharsuguda won the NSC award in the silver category and Corporate Best Safety Award 2017 under his watch, followed by the Sword of Honour awards at both the Dhaka Metro and RRTS projects. What he loves about L&T: opportunities to excel and due recognition for best efforts.
Elaborating on how he approaches his task as an EHS professional, Kumar says, “I first identify the actionable items by appropriately analysing the status of the OHS management system versus what is required to be done as per the British Safety Council after which I break down the complex tasks into a micro level to define target deadlines and assign them to responsible persons.” He monitors the status of the tasks on a daily basis to their conclusion on a Tracker designed on an excel spreadsheet and meticulously plans his resources (finance, machinery, and manpower) to achieve his targets.
At the RRTS project, he made it a point to educate the entire workforce in a short span of time to follow international safety norms to enhance safety culture to the highest level that required thorough and rigorous training daily. “We instantly arranged for resources with due approval from the senior management and carried out the regular activities when preparing for BSC’s Five Star Audit.”

“They put their 100% trust on me,” says a proud Kumar about his seniors, “giving me the authority to take decisions, providing me with instant approvals over the phone and being available 24X7 to support and sort out any kind of issues that I faced.’
When not driving his EHS agenda, Kumar, a native of Gaya, Bihar, turns his attention to his family: wife, Bharti, a homemaker, and daughter, Saisha. “I love taking long drives and visiting places on holidays or taking short breaks of 2–3 days,” he shares about his personal life.
Rajeev Ranjan
Manager (EHS), TI IC (RBG)
One of the biggest EHS challenges that Rajeev Ranjan faces at his Delhi–Meerut RRTS project, which is also his first with L&T, is working continuously adjacent to ‘live’, busy public roads. “We cannot afford to let our concentration slip for even a second,” he says with a serious expression. “We have to be prepared for interference both from vehicular traffic and pedestrians, so our traffic management plan has to be spot on.” One can imagine the pressures involved therefore it is no surprise that the project has won L&T Construction’s Safety Award 2023.
Rajeev is, however, not a newcomer to this scene as he has worked at other projects before joining L&T. “I bring in my domain knowledge and share my experience of having faced similar challenges in my previous assignments to both help the team and ensure that we are achieving our EHS goals.”

I bring in my domain knowledge and share my
experience of having faced similar challenges
in my previous assignments to both help the
team and ensure that we are achieving our
EHS goals.
Despite challenges, Rajeev is enjoying himself. “What I love at L&T is the free hand I have been given to take decisions, the close involvement in EHS Monitoring, training and development, proper utilization of available resources, and maintenance of safety records.” He is also impressed by L&T’s work culture, the work-life balance that employees enjoy and the company’s concern for the wellbeing of its employees.

Another area that Rajeev feels is putting L&T ahead of the pack is digital transformation. “Digitalization has been our constant ally to enhance our efficiencies like the SHEILD App that helps us track pre-work inspection checklists in real-time and make work activity observations. It has substantially reduced paperwork and we are able to keep records digitally.”
“Two of my most memorable moments was winning the EHS Trophy from the MD of NCRTC for maintaining best safety standard in 2021 for the NCRTC Project and other was to win the prize & certificate from the MD of NCRTC for a power point presentation competition on the topic ‘Nurture young minds to develop safety culture’ held during the National Safety Week 2022,” he shares with his face aglow.
Hailing from Gopalganj, Bihar, Rajeev is married to Vibha Kumari Singh, a homemaker, and they are blessed with two children, Raksha and Raunak. When not walking the EHS talk, he loves walking and traveling.
Shakeel Ahmad
Assistant Manager (EHS), TI IC (RBG)
He is an extremely proud EHS professional, for Shakeel Ahmad has been recognized as a ‘Safety Champion’ by the leadership of two projects: that of the Dhaka Metro and the Delhi-Meerut RRTS projects. His double delight is that both these projects won L&T Construction’s Safety Awards 2023. “It is truly humbling that my seniors at both projects have found my contribution to drive safety at site worthy of being considered for this recognition,” says Shakeel in true earnest. “I attribute my success to L&T’s culture of encouraging young talent to participate and share their innovative inputs to strengthen EHS implementation at sites.”
A DET from the 2009 batch, Shakeel began his journey with L&T at the DMRC Phase 2 & Phase 3 projects, after which he moved to the Dhaka Metro project and is currently driving safety at the RRTS Project.
His primary challenge, which is common to most EHS professionals, is the workers’ attitude towards safety. “It is important to make contracted workers aware of L&T’s safety standards,” he says with all seriousness. “I interface with different department managers and conduct the requisite training to ensure that workmen comply with all safety measures.”
- It is important to make contracted
workers aware of L&T’s safety standards. I interface with different department managers and conduct the requisite training to ensure that workmen comply with all safety measures.

Shakeel played an integral role during the British Safety Council (BSC) Audit at the RRTS site, helping in overall site development, documentation, HIRA preparation, internal audits, and conducting training and awareness programmes for the workers. “Winning the prestigious Sword of Honour from BSC with an overall rating of 94.08% was an unforgettable moment for me in my professional life,” he shares with both pride and satisfaction.
Speaking about the RRTS Project winning the Safety Award for 2023, Shakeel is grateful for the combined efforts of both seniors and juniors. “By sharing their different work experiences, they helped us gain several insights to consolidate and track various hidden safety-related issues,” he observes. “Our field staff in turn supported us to implement the necessary safety measures wherever required.”

Shakeel and team have implemented the SHEILD app for realtime tracking of pre-work inspection checklists and observing work activity. “Additionally, we have created a site safety group in which site-related activities are shared by all Site Engineers and EHSO,” he reveals. “This has resulted in a lot of time saving.”
A native of Gaya, Bihar, Shakeel is married to Shagufta Ahmad, a homemaker. When he isn’t busy driving safety at his projects, he enjoys reading books and working out on weekends.

After working 6 years on thermal and nuclear power plants, young Asish Kumar Dash joined L&T in April 2017 at the WDFC EMP‑4 project, a railway electrification project of 915 KM from Rewari (Haryana) to Makarpura (Gujarat). “It has been an inspiring experience to win so many EHS awards,” he exclaims with stars in his eyes. “This project gave me the opportunity to showcase our EHS capabilities that helped us win the BSC-FSA and the Sword of Honour awards apart from other national and international awards. In fact, our BU Head, Sunil Khattar Sir has treasured me as a Sword Man of Railways SBG,” he says with absolute delight.
In September 2021, Asish was transferred to the Delhi-Meerut RRTS Track Works project, giving him yet another opportunity to showcase their EHS capabilities. He has again been part of the team that won the Sword of Honour award and thereafter L&T Construction’s Safety Award – 2023. He is now doubly delighted.

- In such a scenario of change, it is equally important to set benchmarks and keep upgrading yourself especially in the areas of technology and digitalization.
Of course, for someone who drives EHS at his sites with such vigour, Asish does face challenges like regulatory / contractual compliances, risk management, managing the behaviour of all individuals towards EHS, and changing technologies and processes. “In such a scenario of change, it is equally important to set benchmarks and keep upgrading yourself especially in the areas of technology and digitalization,” he says seriously.
He introduces us to a dynamic QR code system the team has developed that contains the key details of all construction vehicles and lifting equipment. “The QR code is pasted on the vehicle itself to verify its legal and contractual documents with a click,” he explains. Due to the linear nature of the project and with frequent changes in operators and wear & tear of paper, it is difficult to keep hard copies but now these QR codes can instantly verify. “It saves time and money for the project,” he smiles. He also mentions the SHEILD App, an online system for submission/approval of safety inspection checklists.
A native of Chatrapur, Odisha, Asish’s better half is Sontoshini Panigrahi, a homemaker who also provides coaching to students. The love of their lives is their 4‑year-old son, Shreyansh. During his free time, he loves exploring new places and spending time with his family.
He is very happy with the company he keeps. “L&T offers me a good work-life balance, provides ample opportunities for us to showcase our ability and the top management is completely involved and committed to EHS.”