Celebrating Safety Month 2021


Celebrating Safety Month 2021

Following tradition, the new year kicked off with the celebration of January as the Safety Month and the inaugural function was conducted on MS Teams on January 2nd, 2021 replete with a digital flag hoisting and virtual speeches.

In his keynote address, Mr S N Subrahmanyan (SNS) CEO & Managing Director, L&T praised the workmen remobilization effort but inquired whether the labour mobilized was the right kind of workforce that projects were seeking. “Are they are similarly trained or equipped with the right skill sets? Do they understand our value systems, our safety processes, and standards?” Serious questions that project leadership and teams across the organization should take cognizance of and address.

A year of challenges & positives
Setting context to the programme, Whole Time Director & Senior Executive Vice President (Buildings), Mr M V Satish (MVS) described Year 2020 as one that was full of challenges. “It tested our resilience and our capability to respond to sudden disruption,” he remarked, congratulating the site teams for their exemplary handling of the workmen reverse migration and remobilization efforts. “The new year is as good a time as any for us to recommit to Mission Zero Harm,” he shared on a positive note.

A surprising but appropriate speaker at the event was Mr Subramanian Sarma, Whole Time Director & Senior Executive Vice President (Energy) who in his role of Chairman of L&T’s EHS Council, brought in a wider perspective. “I look at Year 2020 for some of its positives,” he said brightly, “first was the massive churn of resources that we witnessed through the year in terms of numbers, composition, etc, then the quick adoption to the new COVID-19 SOPs and protocols and thirdly, the deployment of the latest technologies.” He reiterated that Safety was everyone’s responsibility and that it was imperative to drive safety in one’s sphere of influence and control. “Good EHS leads to good productivity that makes good business sense,” he said, signing off on a high.

A bagful of awards
Both SNS and MVS congratulated the Project and EHS teams for the surfeit of Safety awards that L&T Construction had mopped up during the year including 8 ‘Sword of Honour’ Awards from the British Safety Council all for B&F projects, 86 RoSPA Awards (including 53 ‘Golds’), 5 American Society of Safety Awards, one ASSP HSC Excellence Award and two projects that won the Golden Peacock.

Citing its success in Hydrocarbon, SNS said that he found a direct correlation between rewards and accidents; the more the awards the lesser the number of safety incidents. “I think it’s a good method to follow. For some reason, we at L&T Construction, have not institutionalized the reward system restricting ourselves to certificates, trophies, gifts, and such like,” he remarked, urging the senior leadership to consider it seriously, implement and institutionalize it at the earliest.

EHS is a good habit to cultivate
“Although there have been no directives to the effect, I find people more disciplined at site these days,” observed SNS, on a lighter note. “I find the staff wearing all the proper PPE, the hoardings at site are all painted and well kept, and I see more vigour all around. There is also less dust around and it seems we have become more green friendly,” he said, all praise for efforts at the various project sites. “I also find that the ecosystem of our subcontractors and vendors are following the same discipline and, at many sites, I understand they have adapted our safety procedures and even modified them to be tougher and more elaborate than what we have,” he pointed out.

Whole Time Director & Senior Executive Vice President (Development Projects), Mr D K Sen opined that the pandemic had made us more mature from the perspective of safety & health. “Safety has become more inclusive and with the increase of digitalization, safety had no boundaries.” He stressed on increased accountability to keep people safe and the importance of upgrading the subcontractors to the company’s EHS levels. “Safety should be on auto mode,”
he declared.

Whole Time Director & Senior Executive Vice President (Civil Infrastructure), Mr S V Desai touched upon the role of the EHS Council. “We are looking at implementing ISO 14005 and going forward, data analytics is going to play a huge role in effective risk management.” Referring to the importance of behavioural safety, T Madhavadas, Whole Time Director & Senior Executive Vice President (Utilities) said, “All kinds of research and studies have revealed that it takes 66 days for old habits to die and learn new ones.” He emphasized the need for personal commitment towards safety and the task of training new workmen to gradually upgrade them to more critical tasks.” He, too, spoke about the fruits of digital interventions to improve EHS standards mentioning the use of an OTP in PT&D IC for shutdowns and simple Bluetooth technology to communicate when working at heights.

“We need to improve our safety record by improving our working style and working life,” urged SNS in conclusion, “we are probably standing at the cusp of one of the largest backlogs and a huge amount of work has to be done over the next two years at least. As we move forward many more orders will come, so it is imperative to improve our operations, be more friendly towards the environment, work situations, be more careful about our attitude to safety, how we take care of our people and ourselves including labour and staff.”

In his closing remarks, Dr K N Sen, Head – EHS, MMH SBG, praised the enormous efforts of the Company’s leadership “to help us overcome the daunting challenges with various proactive, preventive and innovative measures through micro-panning and regular reviews to successfully navigate through these difficult times.”

The Vote of Thanks was accorded by Mr K P Ravinath, Head EHS – L&T GeoStructure while the event was very professionally and flawlessly anchored by Ms V Monika, Assistant Manager – Engineering Support,
Smart World Communications.

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