SAPHALATA – to drive a high-performance team culture
Through extensive research, the Chennai Metro team identified 6 team values to be demonstrated by Heavy Civil employees to develop a high-performance team culture. Since inception, SAPHALATA has covered 1,800+ employees in the form of team-building programmes, team games, and engagement with families. The spirit of SAPHALATA is to get teams together with a common goal of winning and strive for excellence by erasing conflicts and building bonds of trust.

PINNACLE LEADERSHIP SERIES – an OD intervention initiative
Targeted at senior leadership, the programme focuses on high-performance culture and employee engagement. Celebrating our legacy, the Pinnacle Leadership Series was launched through an experiential two-and-a-half-day workshop on the theme ‘Unwind for Wholesomeness’. The OD programme aims to
- step up the leadership quotient with multi-disciplinary insights,
- cultivate positive mindsets,
- create opportunities to expand perspectives, and
- institute mechanisms to seize opportunities and build leaders.

BRISK – to drive a culture of collaborative working
B | – | Boundaries of talk and conduct |
R | – | Responsibilities fulfilling, without follow-up |
I | – | Ignoring irrelevant matters |
S | – | Skill development |
K | – | Kind and supportive |
Since its inception in May 2022 and rolled out through online sessions, BRISK has covered 1,500+ employees. At sites, teams interact in microlearning virtual sessions to understand mindsets, expectations, and generational attitudes to work towards collaborating better.


1st place – Kachchidargah LNT Scope
(New Ganga Bridge Project)

2nd place – Kanpur Agra Metro Trackwork
To inculcate a culture of appreciation and build camaraderie, TI IC celebrated Appreciation Week from 5th to 10th September 2022, giving all a reason to acknowledge and appreciate each other. Commencing on Teachers’ Day (5th September), employees were encouraged to appreciate a teacher/coach/mentor who has significantly impacted their life. Thereafter, over the course of the week, they appreciated their colleagues on #IAppreciateYou walls across project sites & offices and on Yammer. Participation was overwhelming and heart-warming, and we share here some of the winning posts.
TI IC is leading the way to encourage us to inculcate and grow this culture to appreciate one another!

3rd place – MAHSR P4 (X&Y)

3rd place – Navi Mumbai
International Airport (NMIAL)

3rd place – Mauritius Metro Project,
Phoenix Section

3rd place – Mauritius Metro Project,
Curepipe Section