HCI IC’s P&M launches INVEST, a
capability-building programme
Commensurate with the strategic investment on Plant & Machinery (P&M) and to keep pace with technological advancements in the infrastructure space, HCI IC HR are steering the ‘INVEST’ programme on people development, which encompasses diverse and emerging skill development needs of P&M engineers.

INVEST is a 11-month capability-building initiative to ‘Increase Value and Enhance Skills for Tomorrow’, conceptualized by HCI P&M, curated with OEM intervention, on-the-job training, hands-on sessions, classroom sessions, and interaction with internal SMEs. To get started, the flagship Equipment Manager Development Programme was organized at HQ Chennai from 19 to 21 April 2022, with 30 participants (present and prospective P&M in-charges) from major HCI projects across the country. It was formally inaugurated by S. V. Desai, Whole-Time Director & Senior Executive Vice President (Civil Infrastructure), who lauded the initiative and its timing synchronized with huge investments in strategic and state-of-the-art machineries, stressing on the need to regiment the P&M team with a holistic outlook on training and development to build a self-reliant team for sustained growth.
Divisional Corporate HR launches DEI-Light
To successfully implement the Company’s vision of becoming a model Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) employer and to foster an enabling culture for the DEI policies, a set of online DEI-Light programmes have been curated by Divisional Corporate for S&E, Tier-1, and Tier-2 grades to sensitize, create awareness, break biases, and inculcate allyship and belongingness amongst the employees. The first DEI-Light programme was virtually launched on 28 June 2022, inaugurated by T. Madhava Das, Whole-Time Director & Senior Executive Vice President (Utilities), in the presence of IC HR Heads.
Setting the context, S. Ramkishore, Vice President & Head (Human Resources), Divisional Corporate, said, “The learnings from these sessions will be reinforced through our microlearning platform RapL to ensure they are internalized.”

“The culture of L&T is of oneness,” commented Madhava Das, “and I am delighted that the biggest thing for L&T in other countries is to step in with new technology and management principles and create inclusion within the country to grow with best practices. Diversity and Equity should be a part of everyone’s lives, and discrimination must be avoided.”

SSC HR launches Common Induction Programme for
laterals in L&T Construction

HR Shared Services Centre (SSC) conceptualized and launched a unique and first-of-its-kind Common Induction Programme for all lateral hires joining the organization across all ICs on 6 July 2022. The event was conducted in-person at Manapakkam, Chennai HQ, with other lateral hires joining virtually through MS Teams from across the length and breadth of India and overseas. This will be an ongoing programme to cover all lateral hires across grades and ICs.
The main objectives to introduce such a Common Induction Programme were:
- Uniform experience – for new joiners across all ICs to create a feeling of belongingness and loyalty to the organization.
- Day 1 readiness – equip new joiners with all mandatory requirements, to help them easily settle into their respective jobs.
- First impression is the best impression – create a world-class experience, ensuring that the new joiners connect with L&T right from Day 1.