L&T Celebrates Sns’s Three And Half Decades Of Excellence

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On 24th November 2019, Mr. S N Subrahmanyan, CEO & Managing Director, L&T,
completed 35 years of excellence at L&T having commenced his journey in 1984.

As part of the celebrations, a picturesque wall traced his illustrious career, adorned with good wishes from several colleagues while a backdrop captured the sterling qualities that have helped him rise to the top.

While a packed workspace in Mumbai’s Landmark office greeted SNS’s milestone that included the senior leadership of L&T, a similar function was organized in Chennai for L&T Construction to congratulate their favourite son. In an emotional address, SNS fondly reminisced about some of his most difficult projects and the risks he had taken to win and execute tough assignments like Delhi International Airport, Riyadh Metro, Doha Metro among others declaring, “It is only our risk-taking ability that will take this company to the next level.” He emphasized, “judicious risk-taking was something L&T was known for in the past” and called for increased safety consciousness at sites which he said was an extremely serious cause for concern.

“It has been a wonderful journey,” responded Mrs. Meena Subrahmanyan, who graced the occasion, when requested to share a few thoughts. “We are genuinely humbled and being a part of this great company has been a great honour,” she said, thanking everyone for their unstinted support and cooperation.

Several senior leaders shared their emotions about their association with SNS down the years with Mr. A L Sekar, Senior Vice President – Special Projects, reciting a poem composed by him for the occasion after which a cake was cut and shared and the function was rounded off with an artist creating an on-the-spot ‘glitter’ image of SNS.

We all join to wish SNS all the very best for having walked the talk for 35 years!

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